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Nov 17 1982

The weekend in Port Antonio was well worth the time and expense. The night was cool and very quiet. No dogs no hassles. It was wonderful. In addition, we had a chance to take some relaxing walks with few solicitations to buy Ganja or change U.S. dollars. I was very glad we went. I was well rested upon our return. The freq. headaches I had experienced due to lack of sleep (canine induced insomnia) have temporarily disappeared. A mid-training break, well needed.

I’m still not feeling this terrible culture shock I’ve been anticipating and which has been alluded to in training. Whatever it is, it must be more than just adjusting to food, barking dogs, packed buses the general runnings of this place. If it is more, I am not seeing it. I guess that worries me.

Today we went to UWI to check it out and do some research. Deb went to the hospital then to the PT school. I wandered around campus and went to the library. Ill be going back next week. The most anticipated activity was the afternoon relaxation at the New Kingston Hotel. A little swimming, a few drinks and finally, a pizza for dinner. Its just what I needed to shake off the hot, sweaty, dirty bus rides around. A bit of decadence is all that bad. Besides, we found out its only $98 Jai to stay the night. We’ll be back next weekend (turkey day) and stay! Hot water and A/C just one more time.