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WithWhat plentythis ofrepresents the journal I wrote while we were in the Peace Corps from October 25th, 1982 until December 1984.   Originally  I was just going to scan and present the actual written pages but after checking what the scanned PDF's would look like, I decided I would transcribe them for easier reading.  HOWEVER, my plan is to retain the misspellings, the poor grammar and syntax which might drive the real authors among you to squirm a bit, but I decided to stick with the plan as is.

I also plan to add pictures but I need to convert the slides we have into digital images.  So, at some point you'll not only get a narrative but some images as well to help you on the journey.  I haven't enabled comments or ratings on the pages, but I might at some point do that.  

I knew this date was coming for years and always planned to transcribe and present the journal, but as most plans go, the date approached while I was busy with life.  I'll try to keep up going forward.