Finding "home"
The next step in the journey was to get official sworn in and then find out where we were going to end up, which started the process of finding a new home of our own in a new country....
Dec 9
Its been quite some time in between entries. I’m concerned that it will become the rule rather th...
Dec 11
We had a confused and brief swearing-in ceremony at the P.C. office in Bridgetown. The reception ...
Dec 21
Its been too long again. Much has happened. Much of it positive. We decided to take the house in ...
Dec 27th
Bank holiday today (Boxing Day whatever that is…) so Deb and I are lethargically wandering about ...
Jan 4 1983
Well, we’ve made it into the new year. The days pass so quickly when I look into my journal and s...
Jan 6 (Epiphany!)
Never mentioned Christmas in terms of Christ (like the unthinking, pagan sinner I am). Now on Epi...
Jan 17th
EGAD Already!? I can’t believe that it has been so long since I written. Much, much has transpire...
Jan 20 1983
I’ve spent all day just sitting and reading. In fact, the last two weeks have been an exercise in...
Jan 24 1983
We had a real ‘up’ weekend so I wanted to write it down quick! Seems like mostly negative stuff g...
The first thing I wanted to sit down and write. The weather is cool & rainy. Buckets have been fa...