Shaken and stirred...
There are many realities to living in a developing country and some of them can be frightening.
I'm sitting here like the usual vegetable that I am on Monday mornings. Not exactly sure why I am...
We spent most of yesterday trying to assure her of that. Guy & Marion called a special meeting of...
Time to catch up. Deb & I got back yesterday from 4 blissful days sailing in the Grenadines. It w...
Wow! time has flown. I'm still reeling from the intensely pleasurable sailing trip but also feeli...
Monday first things first. Still riding the tide of optimism. My phobia about the phone calls I n...
With the manpower inventory project behind me I once again face an uncertain future. I'm feeling ...
Still fighting but more in terms of boredom than anything else. The fact is, as it always is, tha...